Friday, October 26, 2012

The Wee Lass' and Pre-Conceived Notions

I have a sick 14 month old residing in my house.

I could just end this post here. I could do that because if you've ever been within 5 feet of a sick child you know how much work it takes to keep your sanity.

I think the nastiest part is watching the kids nose run into its mouth. Yes I wipe it, but wiping the kid’s nose is like trying to duplicate one of Houdini’s routines. Not even possible.

In the process of being sick, ms.chief has learned to climb-she was already a climber, only outside. She has never been locked in the house for any length of time. I am trying to get things done- at the same time getting the babe off the chair, table, away from the attic steps, down from upstairs, out of the bathroom, away from the porch and kept inside each time a big goes outside. Oh yes and away from the garbage can in which she likes to eat from or throw garbage on the floor.

It is in the midst of all of this the hubs wonders aloud what I did all day-I just pretend it is because he's truly interested, not because it looks like a large tornado hit just the inside of our house.

I'll admit there are a lot of days I just want to give up, hand the reins to someone else and run to some random fulltime job. I love taking care of my kids. It's everything else that I dislike; the feeling that no matter what, I can't drill in my hubs head that kid’s play, which is there job. Be thankful toys are all over and they are not glued to some video game, computer or TV all day long. The glue, marker, paper mess will get cleaned up after I clean up spills on aisle 3, 4 and 6.

I won't lie, I enjoy Facebook, freebies, couponing and don't always get everything done, and often the chores don't get done right away because someone wants to play, read, go for a walk or I am tired from the night before of zero sleep. That is just how it is. My job is part work, part play and not often do I get time just to me. When he gets home, he deserves every bit of my attention, just as my kids do. Hubs, you shouldn't feel left out just because I want to go to the store myself, which never happens. Its 20min of just me running in running out, but it's quiet and I can listen to hard rock in the car. I swear if we had a babysitter we could trust and afford, we'd spend more time out. Right now movies on the couch after the kids are in bed with ice cream will have to do.

The whole point is, we have to get over our own ideals for what we think the other person should be doing and just go with what they are doing. We are trying our best each one of us, which is all that should matter.

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