Monday, November 26, 2012

Santa, the stuff of legends, 2 kids who don't believe.

Santa, isn't really that big around here. I can remember the day I caught my parents placing gifts around the tree, funny enough I was never really heart broken. I just figured it out and that was that.

My kids are little, my son is 6, last year he asked me the BIG question. Is Santa real? Well, I said, there was a guy by the name of Nick who started this whole thing, and he was a real person. (So I am not bothering to check my facts, that is pretty much what I understand to be why the whole damn thing started) Oh. he said, so Santa is just pretend? Yes, I said. Will he still bring me gifts? Yes, I said, because it is fun to pretend. Okay, and he walked off.

Flash (or fast) forward to THIS year and my 3 year old daughter proudly announces that Santa Claus is just pretend. Of course my husband thinks they should be innocent and actually believe. I feel that with all the media, various kids, with various backgrounds in school, it is pretty obvious he is a legend. OF course I still play along, and we still write letters to him.

The truth is. My parents had the same issue, dad was a big Santa guy and mom was practical. My mom is a Pastor's kid and well growing up to her Christmas was about the Birth of Jesus. I know that is the real reason for all of this, and my kids love to read that story too. That to me is not legend, so when the kids ask, I tell them that Jesus is real and so is God.

They get it. Somehow through all of the crap, gifts, songs, media and everything else they get that it is Jesus's Birthday. I am not uber religious, but hey I rather have my kids believe in God's only son and be saved all year round. Than have them believe in an Obese sweaty man with a white beard one time a year just so they get a zhu zhu pet.

I strive to tell our kids the truth, and I strive to let our kids know that we will provide all they need despite our financial set backs. Christmas IS a good reminder that we need to think of others, but like Jesus, we need to do it more than just 1 time a year. 

I don't hold out much hope for our 1 year old ever believing in Santa, she has 2 big kids out to remind her he is just pretend.

On another smaller note, I need to send a shout out. This is a HUGE, Thank You to all of you who donate to Toys for Tots, Pick kids names off trees or however you donate to those of us who can't afford to pick up the Christmas Tab. WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT and so do our kids.

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