Thursday, November 22, 2012

Beyond Black.

Its been awhile since I've last written a post. Life got in the way of prose.

Thanksgiving is a time to count our blessings and yet crowd the stores for more more more. It never made much sense to me.

Angel trees, and toys for tots drives are plentiful. If you actually stopped and asked the people in need what they really want, I don't think most of the time you'd get the answer you expect.

All parents want there kids to have what they need. (read that again) What they need. Shiny toys make kids happy right? Really, my kids want warm hands when they play on the playground at school with their peers. Socks without holes and a jacket that zips smooth.

They like toys, but paper, glue and colors go a long way. Blocks and books are endless tools of fun.

Christmas is never a time for fancy gadgets for me, the last few years I've asked for whatever household appliance quit working that year.

So when  Thanksgiving and Christmas come, I think of those who are eating whatever came in last months food shelf box, spaghetti instead of turkey, rice crispy bars instead of pie. Where I live fancy programs, food shelves where you pick what you want, giving trees and the like don't exist. If they do exist, not everyone on the list gets picked. Here, you just know who is without, and despite your own issues, you give those people what you can do without.

The next time you give, think about socks, mittens, underwear-the things you cant live without, give from the heart. If you can't give, prayer is powerful. I believe in Karma.

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